Who is do you support??
The truth is out, the fairy tale had ended.. so now whose the winner???
In the most up coming gossip among the Royalties in Malaysia, this time it involve 3 countries.. Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia..
Singapore i mention here.. this is where it begins.. the truth had been out! In Royal Park Hotel where the fair lady beauty escaped.
Now the summon of divorced has been made, both parties had strong arguments though damages have been done and could not be erased..
Where had the Beautiful Fairy Tale gone wrong?
Is it to be blame the sweet 17 yr old beauty or the 30++ yr old prince???
Manohara though, she inst any normal commoner.. she’s a socialite, a model whom since young bewitched by high-end branded items. A beautiful young lady eager to see the world.. even that she’s down to earth..
The young prince and the beauty marriage just barely reaching a year plus..
Here.. well for me , i don't take side either on both ends.
Both have their mistake and reasons..
The beauty, living in a totally different environment from where is used to.. trying to suite and fits in.. though remind you, a young teenager with an ego that is fairy high, she tries her best to follow the Royal traditions. Claims that she had been abused.
The prince, trying to stay firm with traditions, deeply overwhelmed by her beauty, somehow the marriage doesn't last .. to much disappointment's both parties suffered.. Quote from the Google keeps manohara in prison in her own palace… may be.. [fill in the blanks yourself!]
May be both should go for a counseling before deciding to take the next step..
Mind you they are a decades apart…. too many gaps in between.. hence it takes two hands to clap though..
Sadly, its just not any fairy tale we seek.. you decide.. which is which..i would not want to make any more spice into it… for me.. I'll keep it to myself.
though i find that both looks pretty fits together.. the prince and the beauty
I would just hope that both parties would resolve in a peaceful ways.. in a win – win situation so that it doesn't further worsen the whole scenario.
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